
See below for our various camp policies. If you have any questions or inquiries please email or call our office.

Drop Off/ Pick Up

You will receive your designated time slot a week prior to the start of camp. If you still haven’t received your time slot two days prior to the start of your camp week, first check your junk mail, then email info@camprotary.ca Early arrival is discouraged. Camp Rotary staff need time to prepare the cabins and registration materials. Early arrivals may be turned away, and instructed to return at their assigned check-in time. Uniformed Camp Rotary staff will be on hand to greet you and help carry your luggage, and registration numbers are distributed upon arrival. Parents/Guardians are asked to pick up their camper between 9AM-11AM on the last day of the camp session. Parents/guardians will be greeted by a member of staff, and told to go sign out with the Camp Director outside Charlie’s Diner. If you have a change of plans and someone else will be picking up your camper you must contact the Camp Director in advance to add the new name to the pick up list. Campers must leave camp before 11 a.m. on departure day. This is important, because lunch will not be served and afternoon medications will be packed for transport. The staff cannot begin cleanup for the next session until their responsibilities to the campers have ended. If an unforeseen incident will delay your arrival, please phone ahead. The person who is picking up the camper must sign the camper out and provide photo identification. PLEASE NOTE - BEFORE LEAVING, ALL CAMPERS MUST HAVE BEEN SIGNED OFF CAMP PROPERTY BY THEIR PARENTS/GUARDIANS.

Camp Philosophy

Camp Rotary believes in the intrinsic value of camping in a residential setting. It provides the experience of adventure in the outdoors, while instilling an awareness and appreciation of the natural environment. Camping teaches cooperation through playing, working, and planning with others. It helps to build self- confidence through acquiring new skills, accomplishments, and insights. All persons with disabilities should have the opportunity to be included in all manners of camp and camping. This will not only enhance the lives of campers, but the lives of all staff, and volunteers who participate. As a result, camp will benefit; creating a community out of the presence and individuality of everyone involved. Fun and recreation, together with the respect for the dignity of individuals, are at the core of this philosophy. Camp Rotary’s motto is Focus on Ability. The aim is to give campers a judgement-free sense of responsibility by encouraging them to do things for themselves and others. The staff should take a personal interest in each camper and give ample opportunity for self-expression in a well-balanced, varied program. Encouragement should be given to everyone to participate in all activities. If a camper experiences any limits from full participation, the program should be adapted rather than assume that the person is incapable of participating. We wish to create a healthy, judgement-free, recreational atmosphere with wholesome outdoor activities for everyone!

Refund Policy

The balance of remaining Camp Rotary registration fees must be paid in full by two weeks prior to the start of your camp week. These fees offset the costs of staffing, groceries, nursing care and other costs of the Camp Rotary Camping Program. It is imperative that applications be completed thoroughly, as missing information seriously compromises our ability to meet the needs of the campers.
  • Campers who are sent home by the Camp Director prior to the end of their camping session due to violent/aggressive/adverse behaviour; emotional distress such as severe homesickness or suicidal behaviours; or choose themselves to end their camping session early are not entitled to have any portion of their registration fees refunded.
  • Campers who become seriously ill or injured during their camping session and must leave the campsite prior to the end of their camping session may be entitled to a refund of prorated days missed, at the discretion of the Camp Director. For example: If the camper missed four days of a seven-day session, 4/7th’s of the camp fees minus deposit will be refunded back to the camper. The refund of prorated days missed may also be considered for campers who become ill just prior to their camping session and must delay their arrival until their health has returned.
Please Note: Other extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration but may not necessarily qualify for a refund of prorated days missed.

Cancellation Policy

Programs may be cancelled at the discretion of Camp Rotary due to minimum participation requirements or unforeseen circumstances, and in the case of a wider public health emergency which mandates closure.

Camp Registration

Registrations are only considered complete once the registration, full fee, waivers, and medical documents are completed and submitted via https://camprotarynb.campbrainregistration.com

Promotional Materials

Camp Rotary and the Easter Seals New Brunswick reserve the right to use photographic and video material of the camp and campers unless photo consent is not granted. Please inform the Camp Director in writing if you do not wish to have your camper’s image used in any Camp Rotary/Easter Seals New Brunswick materials.

Visiting Camp

Parents and/or guardians may visit camp on arrival day and departure day. Visitation during camp sessions is discouraged in order to prevent homesickness and disruption of camp routine. If a visit is absolutely necessary, please call the camp office in advance.


Camp Rotary collects camper Health Information to ensure the safety of campers. This information is kept strictly confidential. Due to the nature of camp it is crucial parents/caregivers advise the Camp Director of any existing or potential medical, emotional, or physical conditions concerning your camper.

Camper Health & Safety

Camper Medications

Camper Medications Please ensure that your camper arrives at camp with a more-than-adequate supply of necessary medications. Medications must be in their original containers as labelled by the pharmacy. These labels should include the strength and dosage of the medication, instructions for its administration, and the prescribing physician’s name. Written instructions for the nursing staff are always helpful. Medications are kept under lock and key in the camp infirmary and are distributed by the camp nurse as required. The infirmary always has household items such as Vaseline, headache and nausea medication, bandages, etc., so it is not necessary to send these items unless they are prescribed. Emergency Transportation In the case that the Camp Nurse and Camp Director deem it necessary for a camper to receive medical care at a hospital, that camper will be driven to the hospital by a Resource staff member in the camp van. An ambulance will be called in an emergency. If possible, a staff member will remain with the camper in the ambulance. If this is not possible, a staff member will follow in the camp van. Parents/guardians will be notified at the first available opportunity by the Camp Director or Nurse. A staff member will remain with the camper until the camper is released to return to camp or is signed out into their parents’/guardians’ care. The expense incurred by the ambulance transportation will be left to the parents to pay.

Internet-Ready Devices

Camp is more than a vacation for the campers. It is an opportunity to develop friendships, independence, and to try new things. This can only be accomplished if we leave these devices at home. A camper can only get the benefits of camp by meaningfully participating and being present. We ask that you do not send a cell phone or internet-accessing device with your camper. The internet that is at camp is used for camp business and due to our rural location we operate on very slow speeds and limited bandwidth which makes video calls very difficult. If campers do arrive with one, we will ask that sim cards go home during check-in. Camp staff will call you if there is ever a need to do so. Parents/caregivers are also urged NOT to call camp with non-emergency topics during the camp week. For emergencies, call camp. Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated. Please note: Devices used for communication are allowed at camp at the risk of the owner.

Lost Items

Camp Rotary is not responsible for lost items. We take every step to ensure campers go home with all of their belongings. If you are missing something please email the Camp Director and they will search for the item, however, there is no guarantee it will be found.

Code of Conduct

In order to sustain an exciting and enjoyable atmosphere for both campers and staff, Camp Rotary has the following code of conduct: 1. Campers, staff, and parents/caregivers should always behave respectfully toward each other. Verbal or physical bullying may result in immediate dismissal at the discretion of the Camp Director with no refund. 2. All campers are to be in their assigned area at bedtime, lights out, and other rules of the camp. 3. Items which are deemed unsafe, intrusive, in poor taste, or otherwise objectionable are not to be brought to camp. Weapons, unnecessary electronic equipment, and inappropriate printed matter are examples. 4. The possession and use of alcoholic beverages, and/or drugs (other than required and disclosed medications) during camp sessions is prohibited and campers found with them or using them may be sent home at the discretion of the Camp Director without refund. 5. Campers who use tobacco products must be of legal age, and must inform the Camp Director prior to the start of camp. They must only use these products in designated areas and during designated times outlined by the Camp Director. 6. Tampering with fire extinguishing equipment or other emergency equipment is prohibited. 7. Obscene, discriminatory language and/or rudeness are not acceptable. Camp Rotary reserves the right to expel at any time campers deemed to be behaving in a way that threatens the safety or well-being of themselves or others, or who place at risk the property of Camp Rotary or campers. Parents/Caregivers will be advised, both verbally and/or in writing, by the Camp Director if their camper has extreme behavioral problems while at camp. Refunds will NOT be given for the rest of the session or for subsequent sessions and charges may be made for damaged property.

Support Workers at Camp

Camp Rotary strongly encourages campers to attend independently. A support worker can change the dynamic of a cabin. One of our goals at camp is to build independence within our campers. Please notify us if you want a support worker to attend camp with your camper and indicate the support worker’s length of stay so that we can look into making arrangements. We cannot guarantee there will be a bed available for a support worker for the week their camper is attending camp. There may be an additional expense for the support worker to attend to account for room & board, at the Camp Director’s discretion. Support Workers attending camp must have a negative Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check completed within 3 months of the camp week. Campers are not allowed to leave camp grounds under the care of a support worker. While at camp, the support worker is subject to all camp rules and regulations. If a problem involving a support worker arises, the camper’s parent or guardian will be contacted and apprised of the situation. Camp Rotary reserves the right to ask a support worker to leave should such action be warranted. Camp Rotary strongly discourages parents from filling the role of support worker at camp. Please note: All support workers planning to be at camp must have a negative Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check. The check must have been completed within three months of the camp week. The check is at the expense of the support worker or guardian.